This beautiful solid cherry viewer will literally be the
gateway to your world, making possible many unforgettable presentations of
your talent. The workmanship is superb and your clients will find it a
joy to hold, but it's what they'll find inside that will leave them
astounded: Your best work, documented with the uncompromised quality of AccessZ High-Resolution Stereographs.
Short of showing them your creations first-hand, nothing
can bring your clients closer to appreciating your talent.
The SaturnSlide™ Stereo Viewer is the
finest instrument available with which to view our stereographs. The Viewer and companion Lightbox can be purchased as
unassembled, unfinished kits directly from
Rocky Mountain Memories,
but AccessZ will assemble and finish them for you at a very reasonable markup. We offer this service
exclusively to our clients to reduce their initial cost of starting an AccessZ