otherwise indicated, these are Microsoft Excel™ spreadsheets. You can
open them in your browser by left-clicking on the links or you can save them
to your hard drive by right-clicking and doing a "Save Target as..."
or "Save Link as...".
Stereo Base, % of MAOFD and Key f-Number
Stereo Base in Millimeters
Stereo Base in Millimeters
(for Macro Distances) v6.0m
%MAOFD Delivered by
Fixed-Base Stereo Cameras v2.5
Stereo Base for Free Viewing (Constant Base or Constant Deviation)
Examination of Various Methods
for Calculating Base Separation v9
The Di
Marzio-Davis Equations for Stereo Base
The Di Marzio-Davis Equations for Percent of MAOFD
Key f-Number Calculation Tool (using Knut Andersson's rearrangement of the Di Marzio-Davis Equation)
New! Below are two v1.6 screenshots and links to Overview videos:
Overview Video of the Key f-Number Calculation Tool (HD MP4)
Overview Video of the Key f-Number Calculation Tool (4K MP4)
An Implementation of John Bercovitz' General
Solution for Stereo Base
Stereo Viewer Comparison
Uni-Color International STL vs. the SaturnSlide STL
Stereo Viewer Virtual Image
Area Comparison Calculator
Depth of Field
Not Just Another Depth of
Field Calculator! v9.97s
Depth of Field
for Fixed-Focus Shooting
CoC, DoF, MTF-Optimized
f-Number, and Stereo Base
(Pocket PC version available in Field Calculations section, below.)
CoC and
Diffraction-Limit f-Number to Support a Desired Print Resolution
CoC Calculated with
Consideration of Both Defocus and Diffraction
Maximum Permissible Circle
of Confusion Calculator v2.3
Comparison of CoC
Calculation Methods
Sputnik Depth of Field and % MAOFD Calculator
- 8 lp/mm
(GIF - Right-click and select Save Target As... or Print
Sputnik Depth of Field and % MAOFD Calculator
- 5 lp/mm
(GIF - Right-click and select Save Target As... or Print
Sensor (or Film) Size vs.
Print Size vs. Diffraction v2
Diffraction Squelches the Smaller Formats' Depth of Field Advantage
Pixel Density vs. Maximum Usable f-Stop v2
- Available
Diffraction-Free Stops vs. Print Size for Several Digital Cameras
Resolution Calculated with Consideration of Both
Defocus and Diffraction
CoC Calculated with
Consideration of Both Defocus and Diffraction
A Guide to Pre-Exposure
(In-Camera Contrast Control)
Field Calculations
CoC, DoF, MTF-Optimized f-Number,
and Stereo Base for Pocket PC (Pocket Excel) (PC
version available in Depth of Field section, above.)
Using the Hewlett-Packard HP48G+
PDF format - requires Adobe® Reader®
Twin-Camera Sync
Shutter Speed Test Revealing Inability to Sync Two Cameras at Speeds
Faster Than 1/125th Second
Working With f-stops
f/stop Series Calculator
Film Data
Fujichrome Velvia
Reciprocity Failure Correction
Ilford Delta 100 Reciprocity Failure Correction
Print and Slide Films Sorted by RMS-Granularity, then Film Name
Performance Data for Several Print and Slide Films with User-Definable
Weighted Composite Scoring
Equivalent Focal Lengths, Angle of View,
Camera Distance
Equivalent Focal
Lengths for Nine Formats
Angle of View and
Nominal Camera Distance for Specified Film or Sensor Size, Focal Length
and Object Size
HDTV Viewing
Viewing Distances for 16:9 HDTV's with a Vertical Native Resolution of 1080
Large Format Lens Comparisons
New Large Format Lenses
for 6x7cm
New Large Format Lenses
for 6x9cm
New Large Format Lenses
for 6x12cm
New Large Format Lenses
for 6x17cm
New Large Format Lenses
for 4x5in
New Large Format Lenses
for 5x7in
New Large Format Lenses
for 8x10in
New Large Format
Lenses for 11x14in